Friday, June 18, 2021

Eight Values of Free Expression

    Freedom of expression is a foundation, or a placeholder, for several other human rights. Freedom wouldn't be worth anything to us if we could be overthrown by anyone who doesn't agree. 

    While it doesn't protect speech that holds much hate or applauds the idea of violence, there is no room for such speech in our country anyhow. The most important protection that the freedom of expression holds is that of original thought, and thus, original expression. 

    One of the many values of free expression that I find the most valuable is individual self-fulfillment, or in other words, self-actualization. This value laminates free speech, enabling every person to express themselves, be creative, and best identify with who they are, individually. 

    While it may seem so second nature or "basic" to most, it is important to reflect on and think about it. Every thought that you have is your own. Imagine, then, someone telling you that your thought isn't free. What would be the cost of having a thought, then? Would it be the risk of imprisonment or shame if your thought wasn't digested well by others? What if you thought of something that you believed was a big part of who you are, and someone told you it wasn't accepted? What if you couldn't form an opinion of your own, or form an opinion that you could share with people?

    These are all things that I think of when I think of the value of individual self-fulfillment. 

    I think that the most prominent platform of free expression is social media. As technology seems to be a never-ending development and advancement, outlets online are becoming easier and easier to operate and create. 

    It is how many people communicate with each other. Whether it be a direct message, commenting, or mentioning someone on their page, or even leaving a comment on someone's post. It is how many people share their opinions, and learn from others. Even something as simple or forgotten as an Amazon review, or a tweet about a product. People share their experiences or their opinions of a product or person and people listen! It is how people digest news or get informed about the world. Whether you learn about free reports on politics, economics, or even societal events around you! It is important to note, however, with a lot of platforms, and a lot of voices, it is important to recognize what information you are reading, and what information you can digest and take to be true. However, once you find them, it allows people to discover the truth through speech. 

    Without freedom of speech and expression, reporting would be completely restrained. There would be such strict limitations on news and discussions. There wouldn't be a prominent platform to discuss, learn, and share. 

    Social media is like a megaphone throughout the world, where you have the ability to hear everything going on. This is only possible through the freedom of speech and expression. Everyone can be heard, and no one can be hushed. Freedom of expression is the gift of celebrating each other's talents, opinions, and stories, and to me, that is one of the most important aspects of life. It is how you get to learn about each other, and what makes someone who they truly are. 


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