Friday, June 11, 2021

Five Top Sources

The first top source of news and information is
WikiLeaks. It is a nonprofit organization, beginning in 2006, with the motive of dispersing original documents to its viewers received from anonymous sources and leakers. WikiLeaks strongly states on their website that they do not spend their time on rumors, personal opinions, or any information that is available to the public somewhere else. While WikiLeaks has come under fire in the past, for releasing classified material and thus, questioned as a journalist, it is one of the very few sources where you know what you are reading is not fabricated or embedded with personal influence. 

The second top source of news and information is The New Yorker. The New Yorker is quite possibly most known for its iconic illustrative covers, which many are initially intrigued by. The New Yorker can also be applauded for celebrating, or including short stories and literary reviews. They also attract more of a wider audience by focusing in on today's hits, or "Hollywood" stories. They also hold a strong platform for their journalists, who discuss politics and social issues.

The third top source of news and information is BuzzFeed. While BuzzFeed may not be considered real news, or controversial, even, to others, BuzzFeed does so well in succession because they break away from traditional media. With big bright headlines, sharable gifs, and its other creative aspects, it is nothing like every other news source out there. They make news like trivia, with fun and easy-to-read stories. While it may not be the most factual source, it is the most lighthearted. I mean, come on, how much can you really trust on the internet anyway?

The fourth top source of news and information is The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal features new types of feature writing in the world of journalism. They started as business news, but later shifted to cover more general news, probably to gain more audience. Most notably, their editorial page follows the phrasing "free markets, free people", which is something attractive to most readers.

The fifth top source of news and information is The New York Times. The New York Times is quite possibly the most known news article there is to date. It is one of the very few news sources to take a stand and take a left-leaning, progressive and modernized view of the world and news, all while following the traditional elements of classic journalism.

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