Tuesday, June 22, 2021



    As the United States of America is waging military operations all over the world, as well as engaging in extreme foreign policy, it is probably true that as you're reading this, you don't know much about it. ANTIWAR.com and America Conservative are sites that are devoted unconditionally to non-conventionalism. Their opposition is imperialism, targeting their audience of "greens", and independents.
    In simple terms, the goal of these sites is to act as a tool, or a platform of honesty, to keep the world and American people in the loop of the overseas policies and "happenings" of the U.S. Government. While some more mainstream outlets blame the lack of the Antiwar movement on the lack of military, it is important to stay curious. So why is it that you have to go to extreme lengths to be able to hear strong antiwar voices?

    Perhaps it is for the same reason the antiwar movement exists: Just like people of the movement wish to dismiss any war, the people of the U.S. Government wish to dismiss any discussion of their decisions. "What they don't know won't hurt em" seems to be their type of motto. For anyone who argues this, well, it seems then that you are against your country. The question, then, becomes is it anti-American to be antiwar? 
    You have your First Amendment rights, to speak freely on your beliefs and thoughts. However, when it comes to the state of American war policies, you are hushed. You're muted for even "conspiring" against a country who has brought you so much. 


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